Mrs. Trionne Magee » PBIS - Positive Behavior Intervention Supports

PBIS - Positive Behavior Intervention Supports

Welcome to Wilson Elementary School where Every Wilson Wildcat R.O.A.R.S.


Fir Street Gate

Attention Parents The Gate on Fir street will not be available for Dismissal today, Friday, February 8, 2019. All SDC students who are regularly dismissed at the Fir Street Gate will be taken to the Gate on Lynwood Road near the cafeteria for dismissal for today only. Please go to the gate on Lynwood road to pick up your student at 3:00. Thank You, Mrs. Magee Principal Wilson Elementary

Wilson Family Survey 2018-19

The Wilson Family Survey is now available online. Go the parents tab, click parent resources and links to take the Wilson Family Survey today!